Would you like to help our local community?
We could use your volunteer help! Have fun while you get to know your neighbours.
Can you help us on Sundays?
Serve gourmet bacon and egg breakfast rolls
Stirling Farmer's Market
Join our roster on Sundays 7 am to 12 pm
Map https://maps.app.goo.gl/N3ASi7J4rtkpGXkF9.
Assist shoppers and sellers in Nedlands
Rotary OpShop Collective - lower level Broadway Fair Shopping Centre
Get on our roster on the first and third Sunday each month from 7 am to 12 pm
Map https://maps.app.goo.gl/jcK86Pc8wPaPUf7J6
Give the people in our community the gift of a place to meet each other. Raise money for local projects. We support those in need, old and young members of our community, educational and environmental projects.