Solar Buddy - Information Session

Solar buddy is a non profit, Australian charity that assists in rectifying the problem of energy poverty. They build awareness and provide a simple sustainable option for people living in darkness. The solar lights are non toxic, renewable and have proven to make a difference in literacy, health and economics for the family where solar lights are given. One in five people in the world do not have access to grid energy. The impact is profound. The impact of lack of lighting limits students to only be able to study in daylight hours. The impact of simple solar light on reading results is huge. Students literacy has increased by a third due to being able to read in the evening under the powerful solar light.
Sheree is a teacher at Churchlands Primary School. She has been involved with Rotary for more than 15 years. Her mission as the sustainability coordinator at CPS is to encourage students to give back and think past their own lives. Students get the opportunity through the solar buddy program, to have lessons on energy poverty, and learn to put the solar kit together that makes the solar light by following the steps, just like building lego. Students also write a letter to send with the solar light. Students really love putting the kits together and they love the thought of helping other students in third world countries.