Heather's Walk: A place and a thing
Mar 12, 2024 5:45 PM
Heather Henderson
Heather's Walk: A place and a thing
Heather was a Special Needs Teacher for 40 years. She was also the Deputy Principal at Kim Beazley School in Fremantle for 20 years. During the last 5 years of her career, she worked in inclusive schooling for a student with severe, profound disabilities in a mainstream class.
She entered the Subiaco City Council in 1990 and served as Central ward Councillor for 13 years. After she retired, she returned as Mayor of the City of Subiaco in 2005 -- retiring again in 2017. Heather has been recognised as an Honorary Freeman of the City, an OAM in 2019, and has a walk in Subi Centro named after her.